COVID-19 Process

The therapy industry and the Government have now issued guidelines with regard safer working practices following COVID-19.

I have translated these requirements into the process described below.  As you will see, these guidelines necessitate some changes in working practice but they are there to help us both reduce the risk of infection to each other and cross-infection to other patients.

The description of the new process is, as you will see, quite long and detailed but of course it has to be to ensure our mutual safety.  It does look very intimidating but please be assured that these steps are there solely to help us reduce risk.  If you would like me to talk you through the process, please do call me and we can discuss the detail.

Hopefully these changes to working are ‘transitional’ and they will be reviewed in accordance with the risk levels should those change.

The smile and warmth of the welcome will still be there, just hidden behind a face mask!


  1. Please do not come for treatment if you are shielding or in quarantine or presenting symptoms that could be COVID-19;
  2. Please wear a face mask to the treatment and bring drinking water;
  3. Please enter my home treatment room from the garden entrance or wait to be invited into the Swanbourne clinic. Enter alone;
  4. Please leave all items of clothing or jewellery on the chair or in the bag if provided;
  5. Please bring the correct money for the treatment if paying by cash.


  1. If you are shielding or are required to be in isolation/quarantine, then I am afraid we cannot arrange an appointment until your period of shielding or isolation has ended.
  2. If you have one or more of the co-morbidities (pre-existing conditions) associated with poor COVID-19 outcomes, then we will need to discuss your treatment needs prior to arranging an appointment.  The list of co-morbidities can be found here.  Some co-morbidities will now count as contra-indications against treatment; others will require modified treatment strategies.
  3. If you are a new patient we will need to have an extended phone of video call prior to the first treatment to take your case history and to discuss your treatment needs.  If you have seen me before for treatment but your health history has significantly changed since I last saw you, again, we will need an extended phone or video call to discuss how those changes might affect treatment.
  4. On the day of the treatment we have a ‘triage’ conversation to confirm that you are not displaying any symptoms that could indicate a COVID-19 infection.  In particular:
      • A new, persistent cough

      • A temperature or other signs of fever

      • A change in your sense of smell or taste

    but any new symptom should be discussed prior to coming for treatment.

  5. I will need you to have sent me an email to confirm that you understand that although I have taken all reasonable steps possible to mitigate cross-infection, you will still have an increased risk of infection by coming for treatment. Click here for template email.  Please enter your name and date of treatment into this template before sending.
  6. I will have allowed at least 30 minutes between treatments to clean the room, change disposable or washable surfaces and for fresh air to circulate.
  7. TREATMENTS IN BUCKINGHAM: When you arrive for your treatment please park on my drive and then enter the back garden to my house by walking down the passageway to the left of the garage. I will make sure the gate is propped open.
  8. TREATMENTS IN SWANBOURNE: When you arrive, park on the hard standing next to the clinic (but please do not park in front of the gate to the paddock).  Please then wait in your car until I appear at the clinic door to invite you in for treatment.
  9. You must enter the treatment unaccompanied.  If someone has driven you to the clinic, they are welcome to sit on my patio (weather permitting) with the treatment doors open.
  10. If you normally feel thirsty after a treatment, you may wish to bring some drinking water with you.
  11. As you approach the treatment room, I shall take your forehead temperature.  If your temperature is above 37.8 Celsius, regrettably we will not be able to proceed with the treatment but we can reschedule for a later date.
  12. Assuming your temperature is OK we can then enter the treatment room.  Unfortunately, for the time being, the rules do require that you wear a face mask (I can provide one if you do not have one with you – please let me know beforehand if you need me to provide one).   I will also be wearing a face mask, disposable apron and disposable gloves as part of this new procedure – please don’t be put off!!
  13. As you enter, I will place some sanitiser gel on your hands.  Please advise me before the treatment if you have any known allergic reaction to sanitisers.  The gloves I use are vinyl and latex free.
  14. For my treatment room in Buckingham, I have moved things around so that you can stay the window side of the treatment couch. I have placed a chair near the window that can be cleaned between each treatment.  We can then discuss your treatment needs.  If I need to assess your movement and posture and it is appropriate to do so, I may take you back outside where we have more space and can discuss treatment needs at 2 metres distance.
  15. Once treatment starts, any items of clothing, watches or jewellery you remove can be placed on the chair, or in the case of Swanbourne treatments, in the black bag provided.  Please wear easy to remove clothing and minimal jewellery.
  16. I will wear a face visor if we spend time facing each other at less than 1 metre separation (when you are face down or facing away from me, the visor will not be necessary).  I will also wear a visor if I use the shockwave machine as this procedure can produce small aerosol particles.
  17. All coverings I use on the couch and bolsters will be disposable (replenished after each treatment) or wiped clean (with alcohol-based steriliser) or removed and high-temperature washed after each treatment.
  18. If the weather allows, the door to the outside will be kept open so that fresh air can circulate.
  19. Once the treatment has ended and you have dressed, if we need to discuss aftercare advice we can do so outside at 2 metres’ separation if that is appropriate (and weather allowing).  If I need to give you extensive exercise advice, I may elect that we have a Zoom conversation at a later date.   This will allow you to have a video record of the exercises and also so that I can observe you performing the exercises in the safety of your own home environment.
  20. If you wish to pay for the session by cash, please have the correct money with you; if you plan to pay by cheque, have the cheque already filled-out.  I can send you the details of BACS if you wish to pay that way.
  21. If we make another appointment, I will send you the confirmation by text or email to avoid exchange of paper.

I am sure we will quickly get used to this new way of working but also hope that we can return to ‘normality’ as soon as the conditions allow.