Posted 19 April 2020

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A video today rather than an article. A 30 minute presentation (a bit techy at times – you can almost hear my brain fighting with itself at times struggling to make it less techy) on Metabolic Syndrome.

Over recent days in both the media and within the scientific literature, it is being reported that the severity of COVID-19 symptoms is strongly correlated to certain co-morbidities. Chief amongst these appear to be obesity, Type II diabetes and hypertension.

These three conditions are also all manifestations of Metabolic Syndrome. Is it therefore possible that the severity of COVID-19 is in fact a measure of the metabolic health of the population?

As an important starting point to such discussions, I lay-out here some background to Metabolic Syndrome, its underlying causes and consequences.

As lifestyle and diet are key factors in the development of this condition but also its management, at the end I provocatively suggest a course for future discussions of how to manage the COVID-19 pandemic